Once again, it's been a very long time since I posted! The weeks continue to fly by and as usual my life seems to go flashing past me as I always have something to be doing work wise! Roll on the holidays. Three weeks and counting!
Yesterday I had a lovely day when I met up with my bloggy buddies
Debbi and
Manda and went to the International Art Stamp and Paper Craft Fair at the Corn Exchange in Edinburgh. It was so great to meet them. I didn't spend too many pennies so hopefully will be able to make a few purchases online in the next couple of days getting the things that I really wanted but couldn't get!
Thanks to everyone who offered me some advice about using my Cuttlebug in my last post. This was greatly appreciated as I am TERRIFIED to use it! Debbi was great at reassuring me yesterday that it will be fine and I even bought some new nesties to use in it. I now just need to find the time to try it tentatively. I'll let you know how I get on!

The card above is one that I made some time ago for one of Lewis' nursery nurses who went off on Maternity Leave and has since had a wee boy. Her face isn't the best so don't click for a close up! She seemed happy enough with it so that's the main thing!
I have had quite a few awards given to me lately by some lovely ladies which I haven't gotten around to posting because I haven't been blogging or crafting. Apologies ladies for the delay in posting these - better late than never! That seems to be my motto at the moment in my very hectic life!

I was given this award recently by
Riane and
Vikki, two special bloggy buddies:
The Friends award: These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to five bloggers who must choose five more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.I award this to:
Debbi and

I was given this by two very special bloggy pals ,
Mar and
DebbiThere are rules with this award....They are -
1 - Thank the person that gave it to you.
2 - List 10 honest things about yourself.
3 - Put the honest scrap logo on your blog.
4 - Select 7 other bloggers that you think deserve this awardTen honest things ......... let me think ...........
1. I am very hardworking.
2. I am a Piscean.
3. I am a control freak!
4. I dislike people who are rude and have no manners!
5. I am partial to a glass of red wine or a southern comfort and lemonade.
6. I love spending time with Lewis and Steven.
7. I love lying on a beach in the sun reading a good book.
8. I am very loyal to my friends.
9. I work long hours.
10. I am very committed and dedicated to my job.
I would like to pass this award to:
Joanna and
VikkiWell, I am off to get organised for the grand finale of The Apprentice. Have you been watching? Who do you think is going to win? It'll be interesting ........I think that Yasmena may just pip Kate as she takes more risks but to be honest I'd be happy for either of them to win. Go girls!
I hope to be back much sooner than my last post!