The weeks are passing by so quickly. I can't believe that my holidays are almost over! I haven't done half of the things I wanted to! I'll need to go into work for a couple of days next week to start getting organised for going back the following week. It's been two weeks since I last posted as I was away on holiday and since we've come back, I've had the dreaded washing and ironing to catch up on that comes with going on holiday and have had lots of visitors. I'm also addicted to playing Farm Town on Facebook - I mean seriously addicted! It's disgraceful! Anyway, I hope to be posting more regularly in the next week or so as we know that once I go back to work, I'll be swamped with things and won't have a life again. The joys!
I have been lucky to be given these awards recently so thought that I'd pop on and get them posted.

I have been awarded this by my lovely blogging pal
Vikki who always leaves me lovely comments and inspires me with her fantastic creations. Thanks Vikki!
The terms of this particular award are:-
1. Make reference to award and publish it on your blog
2. Share 5 things you like to do
3. And share with 10 blogs
4. Inform each blog
The 5 things i like to do are :
1. Spending time with my husband Steven and my three year old son Lewis.
2. Research my family tree. I've been doing this for about 4 years now and still have lots and lots to do. I'll still be doing it no doubt when I retire!
3. Scrapbooking and cardmaking - It's lovely to make cards for others and to see their face when they open them. I think it is so important to preserve memories for future generations. Scrapbooking and genealogy go together so well!
4. Blogging - I have met such wonderful friends through starting up a blog. It really was one of the best things I've done.
5. Reading - I never get enough time to do this as I always have more important things to do. The only time I read during term time is for things to do for work. Sadly, reading for me is kept for holidays as if I try to read in bed, I fall asleep after 10 minutes and have to reread what I read the night before the following night. A waste of time!
I'd like to pass this award to the following friends:
I was also awarded this by Vikki a little while ago and this is me just getting around to getting it on my blog! What am I like?????

Here are the rules of this award:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I would like to pass this award to......
ClareKaylouClaireDeniseLouiseSheilaRietAvrilJoBernieZoeMelissa** I've only posted 12. This is taking me so long!

I was awarded this award and another below by my very lovely bloggy pal Debz. I'm sure that most people will be familiar with Debz as she is on the DT team for thePassion for Promarkers Challenge and does the most wonderful colouring! Wish I could colour as well as her. If you've never checked out her blog before, what are you waiting for?
I am going to award this to the following 5 people:
Avril AnnKellySarah-JaneMelStacey
The conditions of the award are:-
I must thank the person who gave me the award.
List their blog and link to it.
I must list 10 honest things about myself.
I must put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog.
I must select at least seven other worthy bloggers & list their links.
I must notify the bloggers of the award.
Here we go then:
1. I'm normally a calm, patient person.
2. I'm a perfectionist - to my own detriment at times.
3. I can't stand people being rude.
4. I hate coffee.
5. I love to help others, well most of the time! :o)
6. I hate Daddy Long Legs and freak out if they come near me, especially if I am in the house on my own.
7. I love to have a good natter with my pals.
8. I'm a typical Piscean.
9. I'm looking forward to being my sister's bridesmaid in 2011.
10. I'm thinking of going back to University to study again and gain further qualifications.
I am going to award this to the following friends:
ClareStaceyKellyRietMeahniAvril AnnSammi
Phew!!!That Took me a while! Hope to be back later with some photos of our holiday to Disneyland and maybe a card or two!